Helping to understand, attract, retain and develop talent

OceanOva is a school services group focused on talent management, which helps schools understand, attract, retain and develop talent that delivers outstanding teaching and learning to improve pupil outcomes.

Our work with OceanOva

We have recently completed a series of 31 training films for leaders at all levels of education, featuring leadership expert Andy Buck, based on his book ‘Leadership Matters’.

Client Testimonials

They had these silent films of people working with gold leaf that are absolutely mesmeric and that almost felt like an installation. It really is something to watch, I mean I stood there for quite some time staring...

Royal Collection Gold exhibition reviewed by Antonia Quirke, BBC Radio 4 's Saturday Review

I’m so thrilled with how the videos turned out. Thank you again for being so wonderful to work with!

Sarah Shaw, British Library

That wonderful production company, Chocolate Films

Jon Snow, speaking at The Geffrye Museum